Saturday, March 29, 2008


I appreciate that a few of you are starting to comment on my blog. Thank you. My hope is that through some of the thoughts and ideas expressed here that we will be able to learn from each other, grow in our thinking, and appeciate one another's ideas.

Recently there have been a few annonymous comments. I liked some of the ideas and thoughts behind what was written. However in the future, I am planning on deleting annonymous comments. I learned in the second church that I served that people can be very unkind annonymously. Our staff rule was that these kind of letters were not even read. I notice that one of the options offered in my current blogging format is to comment annonymously. I will try to figure out how to not allow that option.

What I am hoping is that we can have honest expression of ideas and be loving toward one another. When there is no accountability for what we say there is a tendency to not say what we mean with care toward others. Hopefully this all makes sense -- otherwise -- feel free to comment!

blessings - a partner in the gospel,

Pastor Paul


  1. I agree with the policy of not accepting anonymous responses here. People (three fingers pointing back at me) are naturally quick to judge a nameless, faceless individual who seems to be attacking something they hold dear. However, posting under your real name is a two-edged sword. Considering the reactions that new ideas sometimes provoke, a person might be hesitant to share something that they feel needs sharing. I'm not sure there is a good solution to that, though. I think you'll just have to forge ahead with real names from now on.

  2. David,
    Thank you... I was reading one of my favorite blogs, Jesus Creed, and he mentioned that his hope is that the blog would be similar to a bunch of us sitting at a table sharing coffee and talking about ideas. I liked that. So this is an experiement for me; I like coffee. I like sitting with people. And I like welcome to the Spotlights table!

  3. oh I almost forgot -- would you like your coffee with cream or black?

  4. Pastor Paul- since when do you go by Rev. Knight?

    I thought it was Super Pastor?

    See you in a bit!!

  5. Ha - I guess there are a few who refer to me as Rev. Knight (my official title) but you are right, for most it is Pastor Paul -- hardly anyone uses Super Pastor (maybe my mom) or a few incessant mockers : )

    Quinn - thanks for visiting in the Spotlight

    Pastor Paul

  6. Pastor Paul-

    To change comments to NOT accept anonymous comments:

    Log In
    Go to Comments>Who Can Comment?

    Select your level of identification.

    Simple enough. Let me know if you have any more questions.

  7. By the way I am the Barndweller.



Thank you for stepping into the Spotlight (my blog). To help in facilitating good open and honest communication (in the Light), please identify yourself when commenting. I will be deleting annonymous comments (see my post: When You Want to Comment Here).
Pastor Paul