Thursday, March 6, 2008


It was time for the sermon and the point had to be made. I donned, at the suggestion of our worship director, the superman t-shirt and cape and sprinted to the front of the worship center. With arms outstretched (as though I was flying - a personal dream), I began my run across the front of the room, down the side aisle, and then finally up the center aisle. I opted out of the leap onto the platform and ran up the stairs. Gripping the pulpit, with super pastor strength, I pulled it up onto the platform and then lifted it above my head -- and held it with one hand. There was significant laughter and applause.

Then I launched into my message for the morning, between deep breaths and a desire for more oxygen, I made the point. "I am not truly Super Pastor and we all know this." I told them of about 10 years ago when I was exhausted and spiritually struggling. I further described how I knew I was not doing well, when I recognized that I was slipping into my office and turning off the lights between services. I didn't want the light to shine under my office door, because I was hoping no one would come to talk to me. I was too tired from trying to be more than God had made me to be. This led to the main point of the message for the morning. "We, all of us who follow Jesus, are a royal priesthood and God has made us all to serve together for His kingdom." I think, even despite the over the top theatrics, that the point was made. God desires to bless each of us with the priveledge of serving his kingdom. This was the end of first service.

Second service went pretty much like first service. Accept I faultered lifting the pulpit up over my head. I got it there, but it began to tip. I got it down quick, almost taking out the worship team's monitors, and launched into my message. Second and third services we also had Matthew West as a guest artist. This was a great blessing. He closed second service with "Only Grace" following our celebration of the Lord's supper. This led us to third service.

The worship time with Matthew West for third service was wonderful! God's presence was sensed as He was sensed the previous services. But now -- it was time for Super Pastor! I again donned my t-shirt and cape and sprinted to the front of the worship center. Struck a Super Pastor pose, right arm stretched to the skies and took off for my sprint around the room. Somewhere between that moment and the next I ended up planted into the carpet. I rose to the applause and laughter of the congregation. Bright red faced, I mouthed to our worship director, "I think I pulled something." Now with a much more vivid image, I worked my way up the platform, didn't run, and asked for help with the pulpit. Pain! I finished the message, the celebration of the Lord's Supper, and made the point that everyone needs to pitch in -- "I am not super pastor."

The end result is that tomorrow I have surgery to reattach my Achiles Tendon. Not the way I wanted to make the point. But it is clear: I am not super pastor. Not even really that powerful at all... Have a great week!

your partner in the gospel,
Pastor Paul


  1. Hey Pastor Paul,

    I didn't know that you had a blog! And I'm sorry about your injury. If it's any comfort at all, Jeff and I had a good laugh over your Superman routine at the first service. Feel better soon!


  2. I havn't told many people till -- well, like till today.


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Pastor Paul