Saturday, October 27, 2007

Being What We Need

It is so easy to think of ourselves as independent individuals or to think of ourselves as just a part of a big whole - the Church universal. Both are true but can leave us a bit stilted. One can lead to incredible self-centeredness and the other to an individualistic or anonymous style of faith. The Bible is clear that we are meant to be fully a part of a local church family. Caring and being cared for, encouraging and being encouraged, serving and being served. When the church functions well – there is nothing like it on the face of the earth! I have been struck lately by how significant the Church family is too many of us – especially in times of crisis and struggle and times of rejoicing! When I read Acts 2 it is clear that “those people really cared about each other!” Can we, dare we settle for anything less?

I must confess that as HOPE Covenant Church grows there is part of me that fears that we will not do well at caring for one another or even knowing one another. Part of the problem is that we put the onus for being loving and caring on “the church.” Truth is “we” are the church and in order for us to receive from “the church” what we need, we need to become examples of what we need.
Blessings on you as you love God and love others in Jesus name.
Your partner in the gospel,
Pastor Paul