Sunday, April 12, 2009

He Died For Me

The Apostle Paul writes, " We preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block..."

We are either the recipients of the work on the cross or we are left to pay the penalty for our own sin.
We either accept payment or pay ourselves.

I for one accept the payment. Thank you.

a partner in the gospel,

Pastor Paul

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Am I like Judas?

Have you ever thought about what kind of man Judas really was? What kind of man could betray Jesus Christ for 30 pieces of silver?

I am not comfortable with it, I hesitate even to write it, but sometimes I think the line between a person like Judas and myself is not big enough. I am a follower of Jesus Christ. But there are similarities between Judas and myself, uncomfortable similarities.

Judas heard the teachings of Jesus, the Son of God. He sensed His care and love. At least I assume this is true. Judas saw incredible demonstrations of his Jesus’ power. And yet Judas did not allow the realities of who Jesus was to grip his heart. This is disturbing to me. The heart of Judas remained impervious to the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. And Judas was right there with Him. And furthermore, Judas was loved by Jesus. And he was unchanged. How could someone be right there and unchanged?

I wonder if there is something about doing the things of God that is dangerous to the hearts of those who do the work. Obviously at first glance, this cannot be true. But maybe there is a danger, a subtle danger, concentrating on doing over being. A subtle danger of doing what needs to get done because of the press of people and expectations and missing the beautiful simplicity of being loved by God and being invited into relationship with Him.

It seems clear that people can exist in the proximity of the presence and love of God and remain unaffected. This is incredibly sad and certainly dangerous! This thought catches my attention. It makes me again think of Judas.

He was the “purse-keeper.” I wonder if there was a pressing financial need or concern? I wonder if he focused so much on getting the work done that he never really allowed himself to be affected. I wonder if the work was so consuming that he didn't have time? The truth is that in the midst of all this doing of work in the proximity of Christ, Judas was still and instrument of the Enemy. Aweful.

Getting the work done, watching the bottom-line, learning to deal with people are all part of the work of ministry (or so it seems), but these can never supersede our relationship with Him – my relationship with Him.

As I sit here on the Saturday before the Celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, I have pulled myself aside to seek the Lord and to rest my heart. We have had a wonderful week of activity and I humbly say – ministry. But I must ask the Lord to search my heart, to refresh my heart, to remind me of the work of His kingdom - the real work of His kingdom. But mostly to help me. To help me experience being loved by Him, loving Him in return, and loving others in Jesus’ name.

Be blessed knowing that the resurrected Jesus loves you and has the power to transform your life!

Your partner in the gospel,
Pastor Paul