Sunday, April 12, 2009

He Died For Me

The Apostle Paul writes, " We preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block..."

We are either the recipients of the work on the cross or we are left to pay the penalty for our own sin.
We either accept payment or pay ourselves.

I for one accept the payment. Thank you.

a partner in the gospel,

Pastor Paul

1 comment:

  1. Hard hitting, to the point and relevant for all time. Pastors who operate in this fashion are few and far between in this area and we are blessed to have a man with such passion behind the pulpit. Indeed, sir, I too am thankful for the payment and, at the same time, grievous that my Lord does not always get what he paid for from me. I will stand upon His promises and grace and push ever onward; however slow the crawl or fast the sprint may be. His grace being sufficient and His love enduring forever, the Lord bless you.


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Pastor Paul