Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving - A Discipline!

The Apostle Paul says to "give thanks in all circumstances...” You've got to be kidding? I can think of plenty of circumstance where it would seem inappropriate to give thanks. Is it possible or reasonable that a person should be able to give thanks for the fact that they are dealing with abuse, past or present? Is it possible to expect that someone could give thanks for the lingering pain of an abortion done while they were in a state of confusion and hurt? What about the person who discovers that they or someone they love has cancer? Give thanks? Is it possible that God would expect the man or woman to give thanks when they have received a pink slip notifying him or her that their job has been eliminated? And yet the Apostle Paul says it: “Give thanks in all circumstances...”

That is why this entry is titled THANKSGIVING – A DISCIPLINE! The discipline is this; to turn your heart and focus, in the midst of circumstances, back toward Christ. I am not saying this is easy. But it is good and it is possible. Because no matter how big or discouraging “our circumstances,” God is still God. And because of that we can find truths “in Him” for which we can give thanks. And in the exercise of this discipline of enumerating our thanks to and for God, God is glorified and honored and we are grown. We become bigger toward Him. And that is, always, good! And dare I say, that if our “circumstances” cause us to look to Jesus and give thanks? maybe we can indeed develop a strength to “give thanks” even for our circumstances. Because they, our circumstances, aided us in looking to our great Savior.

Have a great Thanksgiving!

Your partner in the gospel,

Pastor Paul
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

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