Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Greatest Bailout in History

I have found myself with an increasing frustration about this great historical bailout. It frustrates me that our government is giving a "get out jail free" card to the executives who have basically cheated, mismanaged, lived selfishly ambitious, and indulgent lives with no regard for others. It frustrates me further because there seems to be no plan for payback! I probably don't know all the ramifications of us choosing not to do the bailout, but my gut tells me; "lets just bite the bullet and take the tough pill now for an economy run on debt, dishonesty, and selfishness.

But it occurs to me that this bailout by the U.S. government is not the biggest bailout in history of people who have cheated, mismanaged, lived selfishly ambitious, and indulgent lives. No this current bailout is nothing compared to the bailout provided for all of us by Jesus Christ. When Christ died he payed the debt for our sin! That is a wonderful unconditional bailout. And truth is that we have no opportunity for payback. Our only response is to live lives of gratitude and love to Him and for Him.

I find myself today grateful and humbled for my personal experience of being bailed out -- as undeserving as I was -- I am a recipient of God's grace, forgiveness, and restoration. And now, I seek to live in His economy and as a citizen of His Kingdom.

Your partner in the gospel,

Pastor Paul


  1. I wonder if this isn't much like the Shrewd Manager? Does it make sense? No, but the end of their reign is coming to an end and they are making for themselves friends who will welcome them.

  2. Lord God,
    Please help me to love Nancy Pelosi and Barney Frank.

  3. Truly outrageous. All in the name of greed and political correctness-giving homes to people who can't possibly afford them. Where's the outcry for justice? I recall Enron's Key Lay went to jail. I don't see even an investigation into this scandal. Shame on Barney Frank, Chuck Schumer, Jamie Gorelik, Chris Dodd and Senator Obama who received the lions share of Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac pay outs. It's ironic the people responsible for this mess are now the ones prescribing the remedy.

    We can put our faith and trust in no one but the Lord. What a waste to store treasures on earth. Well, maybe a little.


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Pastor Paul