Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Simple Blessing

I was burning a few pieces of an old cedar log in my chimenea. The stars were shining and the moon was reflecting light in a “pause and notice kind of way” behind the clouds. At one moment the clouds, with the moon behind them, had the legendary silver lining. Bonnie and my friend Tom were sitting with me. And other than the fact that the height of my fire was threatening the branches on my willow tree, it was a near perfect Grand Forks evening.

As we were talking, Tom told a wonderful little story about his encounter with Dr. Billy Graham. It made me think of the simple power of a blessing.

Tom had worked as server in a hotel/restaurant and had the opportunity to serve a few “famous” people. He served a famous rapper, complete with security and swooning waitresses. And he had the opportunity to bring room service to Dr.Graham. He had ordered a burger. When Tom arrived Dr. Graham was sitting casually waiting for his meal. There was no security. No pomp. Just a gentle man sitting alone in his room.

Tom told us a bit about his conversation with Billy. I would love to meet him. But all these years later there was something in the conversation that stood out to Tom.

As he was finishing setting up the room service and was preparing to leave Dr Graham spoke the words: “God bless you, son.” He said the words not in a habitual or perfunctory way. They were heartfelt. And they were a true blessing to Tom beyond just the words.

I wonder if we could get our heads around the power of a simple blessing to those we encounter. Our "bless you" invites the Creator of the universe to extend His favor and grace. This is a wonderful act of love. It is a gift. Be generous with your blessings!

Your partner in the gospel,
Pastor Paul

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